Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 31 - 27th July 2010

Had our first lecture on media law and ethics (MLE) today. Was just a brief introduction to our legal system and its history. You know a subject is not going to be very interesting when the prof. himself says its a very dry subject. The good part was that it got over 45 minutes before time, so got nearly a good one hour break before the next lecture.

The topic for the afternoon class on CT was syncretism, didn't know the meaning of the word(even the editor shows a spelling mistake :-S ). Nevertheless here's the wikipedia definition - "Syncretism is the attempt to reconcile disparate or contrary beliefs, often while melding practices of various schools of thought". The session focused on how places of religious importance always developed around or in trading hubs and how there has always been a close relation between trade and religion. There was a movie screening as well today, this one was based on a true story, on the Guildford four. The movie is called In the name of the father, a must watch and it also has an amazing background score.

My evening was made when vada pav served in the mess for snacks :D A slighlty different rendition of the dish where the pav is toasted, but it was awesome(I had 3 of them :-P). Because of that I wasn't really hungry during dinner, so my tam bram instincts took over and I settled for a small portion of curd rice.Post dinner went for a walk around campus with a friend, the weather is finally clearing up now, the clouds have finally cleared up, hope it stays like this now.

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