Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 27 - 23rd July 2010

It took 27 days for me to finally put my laptop to some good use - started watching South Park again :-) Reminds me of my engineering days when South Park and Simpsons were my staple diet and that was more than 3 years back(damn I feel old!). Have to go through the common share here which has lots of movies and sitcoms.

Had a pretty eventful couple of hours in the morning. We had a marketing lecture first up and the other section had eco. During the marketing lecture we started getting messages from the other section that they had a test! So most of us tried to read up as much of eco as we could in the 15 min break between the two lectures. Then we got to know that there was no test in the other section because there weren't any answer sheets available, however our joy was short lived when we saw the prof. entering our class with answer sheets. He said that the test would be conducted towards the end of the class, so some people in class came up with the idea of doing some major DCP (desperate class participation) so that there would be no time left for the test. I,unfortunately could not contribute to the cause as I had absolutely no idea what doubt(s) to ask! It seemed to have worked and there was no time left for the test, but I'm pretty sure the prof. had no intentions of conducting the test in our section anyways, he was having some good fun at our expense :-D

The afternoon session was on communication theory which was on imperialism and the media's role in propagating it. This was followed by a movie based on a true story that took place during the civil war in El Salvador - innocent voices. A brilliant movie, the 11 year old kid has done an amazing job.

Slept for an hour in the evening, which I don't want to do from now on, makes me feel really groggy and ruins the evening, takes at least an hour to get back to normal. Did absolute tp throughout the evening and night. Accompanied a friend to Chota for a passive smoke, watched South Park, went to MICAfe for ice cream after dinner and then played a little badminton after that. Came back to my room and continued watching South Park.

It's 130 now, will watch another couple of episodes before calling it a day, have a 9 o'clock lecture again tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Good that your getting some time to watch South Park and Simpsons ... Im a great fan of Hommer .... Rajesh
