Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 129 - 15th November 2010

Today's post is by Zoya aka Joya Ssingh aka Fruit Loops. She has also been reading the blog quite regularly and in her own words 'has done a pretty decent job for today's post' :-) So here goes -

Wow. I’ve written a lot today.

Anyway. Today I am guest writer on MICAlal, and let me just start by telling all the readers how much it means to me to be a guest writer. It’s something I’ve dreamt about since I was a little kid. Thank you Micalal, you’ve fulfilled many dreams.

Speaking of dreams, ever since MICANVAS 2010 got over, and I’m not perpetually tired and my sleep cycle isn’t quite so amusing, I have found that I can’t quite sleep. Bummer. I almost look forward to my alarm going off in the morning... although I still hit snooze. So today, alarm went off at 8:15, slept till 8:30. Woke up, brushed, changed, etc... and then BREAKFAST! And there were Paranthas, which is my favourite morning meal (or at any other time during the day).

First class was CMA, as a previous post mentioned, never had a costing class been quite so emotional. This was followed by a class on Consumer Behaviour. I really love how everyone waits for my name in the roll call for this class. If you’re from PGP1 MICA you’ll know what I’m talking about. Come ask me if you still haven’t figured, I’m awake at all times except classes. Today’s lectures were shockingly boring. I do believe this is the third subject in which I have been forced to study needs, wants, values, learning, and all the other things that cause mass yawning. Following the first class on CB (conducted in the auditorium with all of us lolling about on colourful polka-dotted cushions... yes, really) we were pointed to SH2 for our second class on, you guessed it... CB! More stuff on animals getting conditioned, babies getting shock treatment, etc etc... hurray everybody.

If you had supplied your system with enough coffee during breakfast you would be one of the lucky ones still in the running to attend ‘Development Research’. As luck would have it, I was one of them. Unfortunately, the effect of the coffee started to wear off by the first 5 minutes and in the 30thminutes I had the professor waving frantically in front of my glassy eyed expression trying to get me to answer ‘How will you conduct a group discussion?’. My concise answer of ‘By making groups.’ was met by laughter. Ah well... at least I entertained.

Lunch was bad. I forgot what it was. Slept badly in the afternoon and woke up in time to go to the doctor with my roomy ‘Geeko’ to get my medical certificate authenticated. It wasn’t in case you’re wondering... something to do with the fact that it wasn’t authentic. The weather was beautiful, so Geeko and I went off for a walk, but only after Thakur Chacha at the gate had instructed Geeko to look after ‘Chotu’, referring to me. Ha. We got back, safe and sound, and in time for tea and snacks, which was some unnamed substance. MICANVAS meeting at 7 in the evening... whee! We discussed post fest withdrawal symptoms, work and horror movies, in a dimly lit setting. Dinner happened at Chhota where our meals were mixed up. Geeko got my tastier mixed (it has Cheese) parantha without oil and I got her boring Gobi parantha with oil, a tragedy if I ever knew one.

Post-dinner was very productive... Geeko and I did some geeky work. Following which I made a triumphant return to Chhota to have what is known as... wait for it... the ‘Sex Toast’. Go figure... or actually don’t. Post the sandwich I’ve been writing like a maniac, and I’m still not letting up on this great opportunity because I have word vomit.

On a completely unrelated note, I will take this chance to inform you of AC Milan’s derby win yesterday. We are now top of the table. Rejoice! Yes, this is also the end of my post. Miss me, and beg MICALAL to call me back!

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