Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 417 - 5th March 2012

Have to find ways to kill time in March. Everyday so far has been following pretty much the same routine - wake up at noon, read articles off the net through the afternoon, go to the gym in the evening, play tennis/badminton if possible. Decided to go out for dinner -went to Kbobs. Had heard a lot about it and it lived up to expectations, with some awesome kebabs. That's one more item off the bucket list.

Had a meeting with all committees in the night for the senior committee selection process. Had a batch meet with pgp-1 after that to clarify doubts regarding work in the senior committees and also take their feedback on the way senior committees functioned during the year gone by. Got done with it by 2 in the night. Came back to the room, spent the customary hour on facebook before calling it a day.

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